自古婆媳关系大多棘手,查丽(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez饰)也遇上了同样的问题。当她就要和男友凯文(迈克尔·瓦尔坦 Michael Vartan饰)百年好合时,却遇到了一个严峻的问题:凯文的妈妈菲尔茨太太(简·方达 Jane Fonda饰)对这个未来儿媳另有意见。菲尔茨太太曾经拥有体面的事业,然而如今她把全部的爱和心思都摆在儿子身上,不能接受查丽的“入侵”。 菲尔茨太太联同助手一起,千方百计地要把查丽这个不速之客赶走,查丽好不容易才觅得如意郎君,当然不能束手就擒,招数一来一往,两方都在暗处开始较量。
After breaking out of his confinement, Charlie cuts the ship's power
once again and embarks on a murderous rampage. As Olivia finds herself one step closer to Rachel, Gloria pulls away from Wilde.
Centuries before the world's oceans became a global trade highway, Chinese seafarers set sail to faraway lands to exchange commodities. Now, Historian Sam Willis retraces the golden era of maritime trade to uncover a legacy that culminated in one of the greatest armadas of all time, and discover parallels between the world then and now.
Gordon visits Island Park, ID, to help rescue the stunning Angler's Lodge. The owner, who built the lodge with his own hands, has lost his passion after a family tragedy and it has almost cost him his business.
去大公司面试成功的Jen(凯瑟琳·帕金森 Katherine Parkinson 饰)以为自己中了头彩,结果却被分配到了地下层的IT部门。部门里只有2个人,Moss(理查德·艾欧阿德 Richard Ayoade 饰)和Roy(克里斯·奥多德 Chris O'Dowd 饰),2个电脑方面的专家,生活常识类的怪人。对电脑一窍不通的Jen强装出一副精通的样子,惹出了不少笑话。 Jen和IT怪人二人组意外的很合拍,总会把一些本来很平常的事情,弄得一发不可收拾,让人哭笑不得。而公司的老板(克里斯多夫·莫利斯 Christopher Morris 饰)也会时不时的出现,和他们一起上演让人捧腹大笑的故事。别具一番风味的英式幽默故事在IT部门上演。